Informal Letter: Advising to avoid bad/evil company letter for SSC and HSC Exam

Assalamualaikum Everyone Welcome to Educationalblogbd.Com I hope today all of you are well.   Today I will share with you a interesting and life lesson letter.  This letter name is Advising to avoid bad/evil company.  So let's get started.  

write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the bad effects of keeping bad companies for ssc and hsc

Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to avoid evil/bad company. 

120 College Road, Dhaka

20 May, 2023

Dear Farhan,

Take my affection. Hope you are well. But I am not mentally well at all. Yesterday I received a letter from mother which has shocked me greatly. Mother has written that you keep bad companions . You spend the whole day wandering about with them and return home after 11 pm. You don't go to school and are totally indifferent (উদাসীন) to your studies. I have also learnt that you do various evil activities such as thieving, quarrelling, Eve-teasing, etc. You should know these evil activities are completely against our familial tradition and are very disgraceful (অসম্মানজনক) for us. Do you know where you are going? If you don't give up mixing with these boys, you are bound to face a dreadful future. Then, you will have no way to come back and save yourself. You should know human life is short and in this short life we have to do many things to make our life glorious. If we waste our valuable time mixing with bad boys and don't carry out our duties properly or in time, our future will be destroyed. Then, we will certainly have a miserable (দুর্বিষহ) and unhappy existence. So, I request you to choose good friends and follow good ways. You must be regular in going to school and in your study. I hope this letter will change your mentality and your activities. No more today. Convey my best regards to parents.

Your elder brother,


*Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.

Suppose, you have come to know that your younger brother keeps bad/evil company.  He is gradually going to the dogs. Now, write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the bad effects of keeping bad/evil company.

Technical Road, Sylhet
May 20, 2023

Dear Nabil,

I hope you are hale and hearty in your school hostel. I am also keeping well. But I have heard that you are not keeping good company around you. It is, indeed, a bad news for me.

In your last annual exam, you did not perform well. Your marks were visibly poor. I believe the main reason for this demotion is the bad company you are keeping. The people you are having around these days are not attentive to studies. Studying hard and gaining knowledge are not their concerns. Also, some of them are heavily addicted to smoking. Some of them do not go to school on regularly. If you keep on continuing mixing with them, it will affect your studies further. You will also develop bad habits like smoking, bunking classes, being irregular in the classes, etc. So, I would request you to stay away from evil company. No more today. Write to me soon.

Your loving brother,


*Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.

Word Meaning:

hale and hearty (idiom) - সুস্থ এবং সবল; indeed (adv) - বস্তুত; bad news (phr) - খারাপ সংবাদ; visibly (adv) - স্পষ্টত; reason (n) - কারন; demotion (n) - পদাবনতি; bunk (v) - পালানো; evil (adj) - মন্দ বা খারাপ।  

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